Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oliver at Two Months!

The smiles have come, and we are all so charmed with this little guy.

Olive at two months is chubby as can be, with a shock of black spiky hair on top of his head.

His ears are big, and often smushed by his shoulders when they're up by his shoulders (reminded of random Christmas paegent song--"the lamb with the curly horn?").
Oliver loves his bath, and is quiet, wide-eyed and keenly aware of what's happening at this time.

He's as fat as a tick, and already into his 3-6 month clothes.

I am loving each moment of him, and am longing for my other two when they were tiny. I don't think I knew what I was doing enough to fully appreciate and enjoy them when they were this small. I'm to return to work in 3 weeks, and am already missing him.

Health news:
Our doctor's visit:
23.5 " long (75% for height)
13 lbs. 13 oz (90% for weight)
pneumo/HibHepB vax

I mentioned to Dr. Hales my concern that one eye appears smaller (and the tear duct appears deeper) than the other. The other eye appears to have a clogged tear duct (which Ana had and outgrew at 1 yr.). Tonight (after a 3 hour wait for El's eye doctor!!!) I asked the ped. ophtamologist about it. He says there's no cataract (which can happen when there's asymmetry), and he'll check on it at 6 months, but that most babies outgrow this initial disproportion.
Here's to looking in those eyes without worry.

1 comment:

chrissie said...

He is precious. Absolutely beautiful!

Evan's eyes aren't the same size either. Worried me a bit until our pedi assured me it wasn't uncommon.

Miss seeing you.