Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

What's the reason I've been cooking for 2 days straight? Tonight we will feast like kings, and hope that tomorrow we're not eating humble pie. I cannot wait to hear the official news that Barack Obama is our next president.

How many times have I voted against someone instead of adamantly FOR a candidate? No, I didn't drink the Kool-Aid, and don't believe that Obama or any person is infallible. But he is someone I can believe in, and despite the fact that he is an Al-Qaeda operative, an "angry black man raging against America," a tax and spend liberal, a Muslim, an Arab, and generally, someone who "is different than the rest of us," I voted with great enthusiasm last Thursday, with my baby and daughter in tow, from an auditorium sandwiched between two acquaintances (one I went to h.s. with, another whom I'd worked with) with drastically different world views, and I enjoyed every minute of marking his name. I just wish I could do it again today!

And of course, the history of African-Americans is not my own, so please forgive me for welling up watching Obama vote for himself from a gym in Chicago. What an amazing moment in our nation's history, and for each of us who cast a vote for Obama. I can't help but think of his grandma, and wish she'd hung around for just one more day. It's not the end of our race problems in this country, but it's a good start.

Will this be a history-making election should John McCain become the oldest president, and Sarah Palin become the first female VP? For the life of me, I just don't see the she-devil as a woman. She doesn't represent our interests: a woman's right to choose, the right of every child to a quality education, health care for all, equal pay for equal work...if the Republican ticket wins, it will not be a victory for women. Or at least not this woman.

Enjoy voting today, and hope for the best.


Erin said...

I cried.

Maybe hormones, but I felt proud and patriotic.

chrissie said...

What a wonderful, incredible day.

Chantelle said...

I knew I came to the right blog! It's after midnight and I'm exhausted; but I've been crying off and on for hours now. So many times I've anguished over "why can't people just do the right thing?" And now I'm overwhelmed with pride just knowing that (at the least) the majority of our country is confident that a black man can do just as good of a job as a white man. Finally! I look forward to more positive changes to come.