Thursday, November 27, 2008

Giving Thanks

I'm so grateful for our daily life in a relatively peaceful corner of the world, where we want not for food, or shelter. May we continue to work for justice, as we recognize the bounty of our lives.

I'm grateful for the people in it.
  • For the treasures that my Ana brings me that I'd walk past without notice: the cap of an acorn, a wild weed of amazing construction, a leaf shaped like a heart, a tiny shell in the middle of a cityscape and a story explaining how it got there. Life is so rich from your perspective. You are full of verve.
  • For the sweetness of Elliot: tight-tight hugs, making sweet eyes, loving every person who comes your way, feeling sad when they leave, and sometimes loving someone who doesn't deserve it. You have the power to transform, Elliot. And you just crawled out of your crib at naptime to my chagrin, and pride. Good job, Mr. E.
  • For the round-tummied, floppy-eared perfection of Oliver. We're so grateful to have you here this Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to a lifetime of them.
  • For my wonderful husband full of humor and joie de vivre. Thank you for helping me learn to give and receive love, and not take anything too seriously. Everyday with you is a fun adventure.
  • For my amazing mom, who is a friend and confidante, and a joy to share our lives with.
  • For my friends, mostly women, who inspire me with their courage, kindness, creativity and daily work. And who listen tolerantly to my anxieties and struggles about parenting, who smile supportively through my bragging, who judge me not as a stumble, or misspeak. Who drop off photos of our family, and old magazines with banana bread, or bags of granola on my desk at work, or encouraging comments on my blog. I'm inspired by this network of support, and so often find myself adapting your perspectives to give myself permission to drink that beer, or take that week before maternity leave, or stop obsessing over a kindergarten for my kids.

Life is so abundant. I don't feel I can ever keep up with the thankyous.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Hope you all are still eating mashed potato and gravy sammies!