It's been 4 amazing months of getting to know Oliver, and it's been such fun.
He is round, soft, solid, hairy, still slightly floppy (esp. those ears), giggly, babbly fun!
The epitome of Happy Bouncing Boy is he...generally in a great mood, full of smiles. Lately his exuberence for us overtakes him, and he grunts, smiles, and buries his head in our chests. Such a love!
All of Ana's loving gestures, and sweet talk has paid off too. He lights up when she enters the room. He's still trying to figure out Brother El, who sweetly coos then pokes him in the eye.
Fine motor skills are coming, as you swipe; gross motor skills look great (you're so solid!), as you work to sit up and get in airplane pose while on your tummy.
A whole new world of eating was introduced on Sunday when you had your first taste of rice cereal. Three infant spoonfuls, and you were crashing hard. I guess it's the equivalent of a porterhouse steak to one so small.
Stats from your doctor visit:
19 lbs. 3 oz (95%ile)
27" long (95%ile)
I can't wait to see what the next month brings!
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