Sunday, January 4, 2009

Medusa vs. Orajel

Mama, which one is worse, your tooth cracked or Medusa?

Pick one.

Hmmm. It's a toss up.

And for the record, I don't think it's an old wives' tale that you lose a tooth with each child (2 out of 3).


Erin said...

Wouldn't it be nice if your toothless grin could turn people to stone like Medusa? A power I certainly envy.

shokufeh said...

Ouch! My theory on this, based on one child, is that having an infant results in often falling asleep without brushing one's teeth.

Anonymous said...

The tooth. Put a bag over Medusa's head and you are set. Broken teeth require a lot more.

If Ana had followed that question with "by the way, can I stay up all night eating ice cream and watching movies?" -- I probably would have been selecting a night's worth of DVDs for her in a second. Irresistible.