Sunday, January 18, 2009

Don't forget to Breathe

The blogging contest was an amazing experience for our family. I had no idea that 677 people would read that post, and vote for us. The power of Facebook (and lots of friends pressuring their friends) was actually awe-inspiring. And at the end, I know it's a small thing...but we really felt, and appreciate the love.

All that warm and fuzzy gooeyness was replaced by sheer exhaustion yesterday, when I realized that 1pm Saturday was really the only time I'd see Kevin all weekend until Monday night. What exactly is the point of a weekend, I ask? I would much rather work 7 days a week. I know this isn't Kevin's fault, and don't blame him, but it exhausts me. The prospect of leaving the house? Yeah, right...Absolutely insane while Elliot runs with abandon as far as he can AWAY (this is just a phase, right? PLease tell me it is). I was just bitter, and angry. And when I'm angry, I don't even whine. I generally just seethe while accomplishing everyday tasks...

Seething Emmy washing lots of sharp knives, for example
Seething Emmy tying shoes
Seething Emmy trying to get this god-foresaken &*#@ grass-stain out of the *()$# Jeans!!!

You get the picture.

And until I called Holly, without remotely hinting at my sorry-for-myself state, who invited me over for yummy tofu chili, in a place where it's OK for El to run with abandon. And Paul hung out with the littles (El and Kate) while Holly and I went to the La Divina Gelateria art show, and sat and talked with other adults, and actually felt sane.

I forget to ask for help, or maybe that's still something I'm trying to work on. I know I have lots of great friends, I just need to get better at reaching out when I need support. Thanks for a lovely evening Holly (and Paul!), on so many levels. You may have shaved years of therapy off of my children.

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