Monday, January 26, 2009

Because I'm the Mama

Concerns about Elliot’s Health

Hi Dr. C-

Despite the supposition that Elliot suffers from gastric reflux, I remain concerned that he has some serious issue that is remaining undiagnosed and untreated. Unfortunately, I’m unable to attend this important visit with you today, but these concerns have me nervous and scared. I would like you to please consider and explain the causes to the following symptoms:

-Pulling on his right ear
-Significant, fairly constant mouthing of his hands (fingers deep in his mouth) or other random objects. Elliot mouthed objects until age 2.5 or so. This let up until his third birthday (around which time his baby brother was born). His OT wonders if there is an ENT health issue/pain that is causing him to do this.
-Chronic mucus from the nose. Almost constant.
-Wet, chesty breathing (almost constant); affects his speech and ability to eat comfortably. Elliot has a very hard time breathing at night, even with a humidifier.
-Occasional vomiting of all food in the stomach after a mucusy cough (we know the sound that preceeds this mucusy vomit).

I want to know:
1. Is it possible that the swallow study (that he responded poorly to) missed something? Could my son be slowly aspirating due to food being improperly channeled to the lungs?
2. Should we see a GI specialist?
3. What are the possible medical causes for the increased constant mouthing?
4. Are there other doctors who we should see to learn more about what is making our son so uncomfortable?

Thank you in advance for answering each of these questions. Any of this that you can write down, I would appreciate. I thrive on information and my husband is rather succinct.

Thank you,


Any ideas from my blog readers? Please pass them on. The visit is on Thursday.

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