Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Getting close

First off, congrats to Chrissie, Cade, and Sydney on the newest addition, baby Evan, born yesterday evening! I can't wait to see the baby.

It's hard for me to believe that I still have 6 weeks to go. My level of physical fatigue, mental exhaustion, and general hunger are surprising to me, and I feel like I can better understand Chrissie's eye-rolling frustration at her continued state as the month wore on. I'm tired, and not feeling glowy, or radiant. Just bulky, clumsy and pooped.

1 comment:

chrissie said...

Thanks Emmy! Can't wait for you to meet him--he is a mellow little guy. And Sydney is in LOVE with him.

Don't despair--it will end at some point, even if its starting to feel like you'll be pregnant forever. And not to be a nag, but if you plan on some "just for me" time at the front end of your maternity leave, it will give you something to look forward to (other than meeting Weino, of course). Just a friendly nudge :)