Thursday, April 24, 2008

Story Words

When Ana struggles with sleep, sometimes I'll "put a dream in her head" by giving her a series of words, touching her forehead after each one, like purple walrus, smooth stone, jelly donut, and pirogue. Sometimes I tell her I'll meet her in the dream. It works about half of the time.

Tonight at story time, I asked her to tell me the story. She refused, but said she'd give me the words. I loved looking over at her large brown eyes in the dark, as she thought of the words, and touched her small fingers to my forehead:

a red bowl of cherries
a glitterfish, red and blue
a golden mermaid
Tora Lora and Maybelline walking in the woods
a pink princess
a handsome prince with a sword

Yes, I struggled with those theme-laden words at the end, but the power was in my hands to create a story with elements of feminine power and choice, social justice, and kindness, and it came together nicely.

I love my daughter's creative mind, and ideas. I'm ever-amazed by how she puts together ideas, and language, and wish I was disciplined enough to capture it all.

Other bits:
  • I loved her identifying the "dot" in Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever as a speckle.
  • I was excited that she chose a job not on the "When I grow up" page: archaeologist.
  • Despite our pleas that she not hold those grizzly green caterpillars that sting, she's already discovered that they don't sting your hand if you pick them up, and was adamant to continue making pets of these loathsome creatures. Today, I learned from another parent that they hurt on softer skin in other areas, but not if you handle them with your palm. I respect her belief in her own scientific method.

I'm always learning from you, Ana, and I'm so grateful for each moment with you.

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