Thursday, June 21, 2007

It's only 2 pounds

But I feel damn good!

It's only two pounds, but I feel like it's ten.

I'm really enjoying my morning walks, most days with my friend Georgia, somedays alone, if she's had a long night with lovely baby Amaya. I can't believe that today is DAY 10! I've been walking since last Monday, with a day off on Sunday.

Today, it wasn't quite as humid at 7 am as it has been, so the walk itself was really enjoyable.

However, one of the reasons that gets me dressed each morning is the promise of seeing wild rabbits on the batture, nibbling on grass or listening tentatively. I've seen up to 6 at a time, usually in the spot behind the Rivershack bar.

I'm slowly extending the walk, and think that this week, I'll be walking to the stable (2.5miles), which means my walk will soon include quail, peacock, horses, and roosters. It's a lovely way to start the day, and it feels good just taking a little time for myself.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Omit that "only"...2 pounds is great!!! Congratulations on carving out that time for yourself each day. You and your family will be better for it. We'll be out of town for the next three Fridays. I'll miss going out for drinks, but look forward to it when I return!